Jorge Couto
Jorge Couto, principal and founder of the Business Exchange Network brings thirty-five years of skills in the negotiating, consulting, sales, and business valuations to help with the exit strategy for every serious business owner that desires the best outcome on their behalf.
Jorge is familiar with the business owners’ expectations since he has also owned and operated businesses of his own, which include restaurants, health clubs, health food stores, and an independent insurance agency. He is very familiar with all of the aspects that go into putting a deal together and will help you achieve your desired results.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa and also a Texas real estate brokers license for commercial real estate transactions. The SBA, Senior Business Analyst is another designation held for doing extensive valuations of businesses that are to be placed on the market.
When not working he spends time with the Old and New Testament, country and rock and roll music, his grandchildren, jogging, and playing flag football.